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Friday, June 19, 2015


Tonight at a movie, my husband &
I saw the Disney Cruise Commercial!
We both looked at each other & gasped! My daughter is having her second child, a boy, if all goes well and the sonogram is correct?  Big brother Silas is going to be staying with his Mimi when the baby brother arrives!!
But we realized tonight that we are just a few years away from that Disney Cruise with my GRANDCHILDREN. I'm 50. Grandchildren.
I'm really actually someone's grandmother.
I'm the one they will remark about when they hear a familiar song or happen to mention something I used to say.
I hope, more than anything?  That they will have a huge smile on their face, or better yet be laughing when they speak of me someday.
I had the best Grandfather there ever was. Chester Crenshaw was my grandfather and because of that fact, I grow to know how truly fortunate I was with every passing year! He spoiled me rotten. I don't think he ever said the word NO. I was the oldest of 7, and though I know he loved us all the same, he wanted to make sure I knew how much he loved me.
So literally, while he was hospitalized and with my 3 goofy kids and impatient husband trying to leave his room, he stopped me. I forgot about the family. Maybe someone would have pity for the poor father of these heathens and give them each a pudding cup? I knew right then and there that this was going to be one of the last times I spoke to my grandfather. I was headed back to California. The next time I would see him would most likely be after he passed.
I apologized for not being able to stay longer. I fussed that I was worried about his weight, he smiled. And then he left me with the most amazing gift. He said, "I cannot wait for you to see your first grandchild someday. When you look down at that baby, you will know how much I always loved you!"
And with that, I take my grandfather in my heart and pour out as much unconditional love that this little family can handle. Happy Father's Day Grandpa Chestoo and all of the amazing Dads in the game of the life of their child. Children will listen. Fill them with love.